1) All applicable AMA and FCC regulations governing the pilot, his aircraft and equipment, and his conduct while on the field will be enforced. Consideration for the safety of spectators, fun fly personnel, and other flyers is of the utmost importance. Any hazardous flying over a controlled spectator area will be cause for immediate grounding. 2) This event is a family-style Fun Fly, with the emphasis on safe fun flying and camaraderie. There will be ample open flying opportunities for all registered pilots. This is not a contest. 3) This Fly-In is AMA sanctioned. You must show a valid AMA license when you check in at the flying site. If you are not currently an AMA member, new AMA membership applications will be available at the site. 4) Each registered pilot may bring and fly as many different R/C model airplanes as he wishes, as long as each model meets all pertinent AMA guidelines. Maximum engine size is 6.0 cu.in. Maximum weight with fuel is 55 pounds. 5) All AMA legal frequencies will be allowed at this Fly-In. This includes the use of all 50 channels (both odd and even numbers) in the entire 72 mhz. and 2.4 ghz. band. In over 40 years of R/C activity, there have been no known frequency issues at SIG FIELD. 6) All transmitters and receivers must meet narrow-band standards. As part of the registration form, the pilot will sign a statement indicating that his radio equipment meets the guidelines for narrow-band operation. 7) Safety first! Each contestant is required to have a spotter/pitman with him at all times while on the flight line. 9) Pre-registration is encouraged. You may obtain an official entry form from:
SIG Mfg. Co., Inc.
R/C Fun Fly
P.O. Box 520
Montezuma, IA 50171-0520
Email: bobnelson@sigmfg.com
SUPER TURF TAG: This is an airborne version of musical chairs and will be flown in rounds. Up to 6 contestants get airborne and orbit away from field. At the sound of the horn they must do a touch and GO. Last man down and any that can't go are eliminated. Continue until only one man left. Winner of the heat advances to next round.
POKER FLY: Five Card Draw Game to encourage airtime for all flyers and make a better show for spectators. Rules will be made available at the SIG Field.
SATURDAY NIGHT SLOW-FLY: For all electric park and slow flyers From 7:00 P.M. until dark is reserved for slow flying only. Bring your park and slow fliers and enjoy an evening of silence.
Sept. 16 & 17, 2022
Name: ____________________________________ AMA #: ____________________ Address: ___________________________________ Email: ______________________ City: ____________________________ State: _________ Zip: __________________ Please list below all of the models you will be flying. MODEL________________________________________ FREQ.__________________ MODEL________________________________________ FREQ.__________________ MODEL________________________________________ FREQ.__________________ MODEL________________________________________ FREQ.__________________
____ $15.00 ENTRY FEE ENCLOSED ____ I PLAN TO FLY IN THE INTERCEPT MISSION EVENT ______ I PLAN TO FLY IN THE TURF TAG EVENT ALL CONTESTANTS MUST COMPLETE THIS FORM. I hereby attest that all of my flying activities at this contest site, either during or after official flying hours, will be in complete compliance with the OFFICIAL AMA SAFETY CODE and all other pertinent AMA REGULATIONS. Furthermore, all of the R/C equipment that I will be using, both transmitters and receivers, meet RCMA-AMA guidelines. I hereby release the individuals and corporations involved in the sponsorship and management of this contest from any and all claims, damages, loss, or injury resulting from my participation in this contest. SIGNATURE __________________________________ DATE _________________ Mail completed form to: SIG MFG. CO., INC. • RC Fly-In • P.O. Box 520 • Montezuma, IA 50171 |